Thread warning, no TLDR here:

I believe one of the absolutely most bigoted and insulting things I have seen as of late is the treatment of black men and women who do not tow the systemic racism line as having no intelligent input on the discussion. Any time someone suggests 1/
that the black community is not monolithic on ideas such as the existence of systemic racism and point to individuals like Thomas Sowell and others, leftists routinely dismiss the argument. Sowell and other are accused of playing to their masters, being on a payroll, or some 2/
other degrading reason for not holding to the left’s ideas. At no time are these individuals considered to have any valuable intellectual input. Their ideas are rejected outright and given no credibility. This has to be the most racist thing I have seen in a long time. 3/
The very idea that a person of color clearly cannot be intelligent or be thinking for themselves if they do not ascribe to leftist mantras, that they must be led around by white masters and told what to say and think, that they are so lacking intelligence that they could not 4/
have formulated these ideas on their own is disgusting and bigoted. We must reject the notion that someone is lacking intelligence just because they don’t agree with a prescribed set of ideas. It is entirely possible for a person, no matter their skin color, to look at a 5/
set of doctrinal beliefs and, exercising the mind God has given them, develop their own ideas as to whether that set of beliefs is right or wrong. But to suggest that a black man or woman can be dismissed with no interaction as to what they say because they actually 6/
had the mind to question an idea such as systemic racism, that they only would have done so to please white people or have internalized hatred of their own race, is to suggest they are idiots who cannot think for themselves and must rely on whites to do so. That is ACTUAL 7/
racism and it is most perpetuated by white leftists who seek to gain and maintain control of the black community, to keep them on their side and working their “plantation” in order to advance their Marxist goals. Time to start calling this kind of lunacy what it is, racism. End/
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