I kept looking at this until I realized what was bothering me about it. There is nothing about his that says "economic anxiety". This is just a junky yard. This dude's entire premise is based on a false stereotype of white poverty. https://twitter.com/WalkerBragman/status/1314343175960567808
They put that garbage can there. Nobody made them. They could've put the trash *in* the garbage can and it would be been much neater. They decided not to do that.

I've seen this yard before. In my neighborhood. They want it that way. Or they just don't care.
The fallacy here is assuming that the *only* reason a white person wouldn't have a pristine home with a manicured lawn and pickett fence is because they're poor.

As soon as you think about it, you realize the whole thing is steeped in its own brand of white supremacy.
It also strikes me that this is exactly the kind of thing that those people hate from white liberal elitist.

There has always been a culture of white people who refuse to conform to certain expectations. They get called "poor white trash". Even when they're not poor.
Several people have suggested the FBI did some of this damage. I can't confirm, but it makes sense. https://twitter.com/alilynnet/status/1314601082643910656?s=19
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