OK I'M ABOUT TO BE CRITICAL REAL QUICK "when you picture butter you probably think of a yellow block in a plastic bag" WE DON'T NEED TO BUTTER SHAME PEOPLE OK ~ARTISANAL BUTTER IS FUCKING EXPENSIVE AND INACCESSIBLE TO MANY but butter production is cool- https://twitter.com/InsiderFood/status/1313986536791302144
-please carry on after you've examined your class politics. if u r in food journalism and can't be mindful about the accessibility of food and the workings of capitalism that cause it to be so (mass production of "plastic wrapped" butter) then idk wtf yall are doing
me, a former media studies teacher: can we PLEASE GET SOME MEDIA LITERACY IN HERE????
anyway the production of this video is also a consequence of capitalism, because media companies want to produce quick, easy to digest videos that are able to get more eyes, because advertising, because money, because society is hell
anyway tax the rich and also eat the rich and compost the rich as well ✌️
OK AND ANOTHER THING why are people so divorced from food production? because C A P I T A L I S M. massified food production makes it more profitable for corporations and owners. they make more money and we get more and more divorced from knowing where our food comes from,
because we're too busy working to survive to buy the food that they have produced at the lowest possible price through exploitation of labour
there's all this rubbish about how making your own stock or butchering your own cow or whatever is better but like... most people don't have time and energy and even fridge space if they're living in a shared house?? so it's easier to buY conveniently packaged stuff
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