Investigation of vaushism a thread pt 2
The primordial seed from which vaushism springs from is a general contradiction that attempts to be mediated.
It is Vaush’s agreement with the libertarian socialists that state ownership over the means of production isn’t socialism, but rather direct worker control is...
However, vaush agrees with the leninists that the state is necessary for a transitory vanguard party which leads the masses in the development of socialist relations. So to resolve this vaush has configured a generalized system of worker cooperatives which he believes...
constitutes direct worker ownership. However layered on top of this is a state which guides the workers and engages in market interference to account for externalities and inelasticities. But what drives someone to believe this?
Well I think it stems from an attempt to shake off the authoritarian conception of socialism while still adhering to its overtones. To distance himself from Stalinism vaush has accepted the label, libertarian socialist and he thinks workers ought to own production. However...
he still clings onto a fundamental belief that workers aren’t able to organize themselves and that the economy should be dictated by a competitive market, and the workers ruled over by a paternalistic state. It is without a doubt a consequence of liberal brainwashing...
with both the fundamental preference for authority by the markets and the state. In terms of the vaushist conception history, he favors a vulgar materialist stagism. Class contradictions are considered the main driving force of history, but history is presented as a timeline...
with capitalism being a necessary prerequisite for communism. The belief here is that capitalism is necessary to develop the productive force through industrialization before communism can be achieved. Workers are considered unable to industrialize when organizing themselves
When it comes to electoralism, it may appear at first glance to be well meaning utilitarianism, but it’s over focus on electoral politics lead to counter revolutionary nihilism. In Vaush’s attempts to convince people on the utility of engaging in electoral politics he reveals...
the sentiment that the revolution is something that is tertiary, or unimportant compared to the important issues of voting. Revolution becomes more of a distant thought that can wait for the more pressing election. So while vaushist orthodoxy maintains an advocacy for revolution
it’s been presented as ultimately not that important. Which is why it’s unsurprising that a well known adherent to vaushism, Xanderhal has revised the ideology to now completely abandon its revolutionary roots. The revolution is now completely thrown out with this form of...
revisionist vaushism, favoring instead an infiltration of existing liberal parties by socialists with the hopes of transitioning to a vaushist Dictatorship of The Prolateriat.
Overall, I think we can conclude that vaushism is a strange arrangement of ideas which lend themselves to being appealing to those who haven’t shaken liberal brain worms while holding on to seemingly radical labels.
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