A thread of why Bellamy Blake deserves better...
- no father figure when he was born
- forced to take care of his sister
- had to self harm when octavia injuried herself
- got his mother killed
- had to shoot the chancellor in order to leave the ark to take care of his sister on earth
- had to kill someone to save clarke
- was locked in a cage at mount weather & went through intense stuff to become a reaper but managed to break free
- had to partake in the genocide of innocent people
- his best friend left & he couldnt follow her bc he knew the people needed him
- gaslight into following pike
- commited genocide bc he thought it was right
- his gf gina was killed keep in mind bellamy knew gina the same length clarke knew lexa
- got his friend killed
- beaten by his sister
- nearly choked to death
- kidnapped
- left his best friend & left to believe she was dead
- reunited with best friend but was at odds with his sister
- poisoned his own sister
- betrayed clarke & betrayed by her
- left for dead in a fighting pit
- loss two people he spent 6 years with
- loss best friend & abandoned his sister
- saves clarke & good terms with sister
- sister is “killed” & taken away while mourning he is kidnapped against his own will & sent to a planet with a man who believes in transcendence
- vulnerable so when he prays he sees his mother his biggest regret bb he still blames himself for her death
- has to betray his friends bc its the only way they can be saved
- all his friends hate him & no one gives him the benefit of the doubt
- he who always gives everyone a chance
- he losses his only friend & only person left who cares about him in the world
- he is killed due to a white man telling him about a book he wasn’t aware of & his best friend who decides his life wasn’t worth it despite the lengths hes gone to save her
- he was right in the end but doesnt get to transcend or come back at all & his death was meaningless
- his death was spit on & his legacy was spit on for simply believing in something despite all the crazy shit they’d all been throughout the years
- loss his mother
- thought he lost his sister so many times
- had to hang himself so no one else would
- was clearly depressed & suicidal throughout the show especially by his end although it wasnt stated u could tell a part of him wanted the pain to go away
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