i read the whole thread and this is an awful take LMAO https://twitter.com/cvaldary/status/1313910120926113792
whiteness isnt a bug, race isnt even real. but race was created by white people with white supremacist values who enforced race onto society to have more power over other groups.
telling leftists that they need to be more openly communicative with conservatives and white supremacists is literally asking people to talk abt their trauma to those who are perservering the system that cause said trauma in the first place
how about people finally stop pretending that systemic racism and white supremacy are able to be deconstructed simply through conversation.. their political ideologies literally want people from marginalized backgrounds, aka more radical leftists, to be extinct
all radical leftists want is to do away with a corrupt system that is literally responsible for things such as, but not limited to: slavery, xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia, unneccessary warfare, the genocide of indigenous peoples, the death of millions in the global south
and not to mention the 200,000+ US citizens who died under the president who the ‘“reactionary”right’ absolutely adores. fuck out of here
sigh critiques about western society and “individuaism” stem from anti-capitalist rhetoric, not dialogue regarding race. so youre literally contradicting your point about “whiteness ≠ individualism”
but white supremacy, the non sugar coated words for “whiteness”, actually is equal to individualism, as this phenomenon is the most perpetuated by people in the USA, a country that breeds capitalists and racist white people
the combination of capitalism and white supremacy leads to people like donald trump in charge. systems of power with these ideologies leads to people dying preventable deaths and oppression. it is impossible to separate these two systems when they are constantly working together
this is why the radical left is quick to call out “whiteness”. we are tired of polite conversation, these people want us dead and they will never take us seriously. in order to abolish capitalism and white supremacy, we needa 0verthr0w the g0vernment. thx 4 coming to my tedtalk
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