this will be a thread shaming u based on what signs u hate:

anti-aries: i am afraid of spontaneity and fun, and when i see ppl having fun in public it makes me mad

anti-taurus: i dont know what i want out of life and you shouldnt either.
anti-gemini: i am easily intimidated by people who are good with words, social situations, and fluctuating energy levels. change is too hard for me to deal with.

anti-cancer: i refuse to see my emotions as a motivator, and more as a hindrance. i dont trust anyone around me.
anti-leo- i am insecure with my appearance and you should be too. i am ashamed of the love i haven’t received from a place i thought i deserved it.

anti-virgo- i have mommy issues and a desire to never better myself. none of my problems are my fault. this is just who i am.
anti-libra- i hate when ppl do things for beauty’s sake, or when they let themselves feel pleasure and have fun.

anti-scorpio- i am afraid of intensity. i feel entitled to know everything about someone as soon as i meet them. i do mot respect boundaries.
anti-sagittarius- i do zero research on my beliefs and ideals and i dont think anyone should challenge me about them

anti-capricorn- i have problems with committing & dedicating myself to bettering myself and i think everyone else should too. i do not respect boundaries.
anti-aquarius- i require everyone to experience the world exactly the same way i do and when ppl don’t it makes me uncomfortable. i do not respect boundaries.
anti-pisces- i dont treat everyone with the love they deserve and i think the world should be meaner to people & you’re naive if you think otherwise.
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