🚨A rant of how much pressure hanyu yuzuru was put under last year!! 🚨
So it starts with wc2019 where he placed 2nd skating on a not fully healed ankle (a pretty screwed-up ankle) and spans all the way to jpnat2019 where arguably he gave his worst fs since winning OGM part1
Where he still placed 2nd.The issue is that he was regarded as a god by then so anything less then gold was "the start of his downfall". The way the media, and even worse from his own country started his narrative. Even more so they added insult to injury "crashing defeat.."part2
the amount of pressure they put him under, I'm surprised he hasn't crushed.
I felt had he not gone back to chopin/seimei for 4cc, he'd have crumbled.
Ironically he was never the absulote winner, his journey was of ups/downs that he never shy away from, he always tackles part3
And confronts his shortcomings and upps his skills.Surprisingly he always comes back stronger when backed to a corner. But i think towards the end of last year he was tested almost to his limits, both physically and mentally. Knowing his character and his kuyashi, part4
Moments, i almost cried watching his interview after fs at nats. He even said he gained nothing ( the guy who always use his shortcomings as stepping stones to improve having the will to train harder said he gained nothing. At that moment i missed his kuyashi moments and i part5
Truly felt fear that he completely burned out. That he lost his will) that's why him bringing back chopin/seimei gave me hope and knowing that he did this to once again find himself both reassured me yet confirmed my suspicion.He was tired as per his own saying so i thought-part6
Chopin/seimei were a comfort for him, a way to dive deep into his own self.Last dec He gave me the feeling of being lost, of having conflict and his mind seemed to be in chaos so I'm glad he could at some degree reach some calmness in mind by 4cc.Again all this was -part7
Worsened by the pressure media put him under.
So i think we haven't seen the last of him, and this silence is the calm before the storm and in way a blessing in disguise. He has time to settle his mind, to heal both his body and spirit
he'll comeback stronger, healthier part8
With a well rested ankle and more importantly having rested his mind because he was stretched to his limit last year both physically with all the ✈/jet lag and the quads, and mentally from a crushing pressure. he almost looked jaded at jpnats and i felt fear when i first -part9
Saw that interview with shuzo-san and his refrences to almost burning out.
so in a way i kind of consider it a blessing in disguise that he lost. He got loose from that pressure. I hope wherever he does from now on brings him joy and happiness (he doesn't have to prove a/t part10
Anymore) but a part of me still want him to compete, still want to see him skate, still want him to accomplish what he wants. This may sound little selfish from my part but i still want him elevating his skating, i want to see him live.And to see where he'd go and where -part11
He'll reach. His love and dedication plus talent is unmatched and unlimited.
So wishing him all the joy and success he deserves. Because when you do something you love, no one will surpass you and i can't think of anyone at present time that loves skating more than him 😊💕
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