To those who take issue with Elder @ChristoffDTodd saying that out of wedlock babies are among the bitter fruit of immorality, it's story time...

I was born out of wedlock. My dad was not a member of the church, my mom was a convert raising my sister as a single mom. 1/5
Once my dad found out she was pregnant he told her to get an abortion. She refused, and he split.

My mom was never in another long term relationship after that, and I am here to tell you that every aspect of my life was impacted by not having a dad in the home. 2/5
From financial instability, to being an emotional support for my mom and sister, to not knowing how to connect with other boys and men...I could go on and on but the point is as great as my mom is there were some aspects she just couldn't compensate for.
Does that mean my mom was a failure? Of course not. Does that mean my life was a mistake? Hardly. Does that mean my mom should have lived her life in shame? Ridiculous.

But to pretend that a stable, two-parent home wouldn't have been significantly *better* is insanity. 4/5
Having a mother and father in the home is God's ideal environment for his spirit children.

Having a standard isn't dishonoring those of us who don't fit with that standard, if anything it acknowledges the odds we've had to beat. Elder Christofferson spoke the truth.
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