You’ve heard of SMART goals

Well here’s a NEW way of looking at them

Setting better goals to help you achieve your dreams

SMART goals make it easier to set quality goals and track your progress along the way

Let’s get started

Goals need to be specific

Far too often, people set generic goals like

Make more money
Lose weight
Be a better husband

But these goals fail because there’s no specific end goal
Instead make them

Lose 25 pounds
Make $1000


Goals need to be measurable so you can track your progress

Losing weight or making money is measurable by nature because you’re dealing with money

But what about being a better husband?
You can make this measurable by defining what it means to be a good husband

A good husband spends X amount of time with his wife, goes on X number of dates, says “I love you” X amount of times per day

Those numbers are measurable

Lose, Make, Be are technically all verbs but none of them specifically define the actions necessary to achieve the goals

Exercise, sell, go are a little better here

Don’t focus on the result

Focus on the process

And track that

Goals that can’t be achieved are destined to fail

For example, I can lose 25 pounds with healthy eating and regular exercise

I can’t lose 100 pounds no matter what I do

Make sure to set goals that can be accomplished, not only by anyone, but by YOU

A SMART goal has an end date

A timeframe that adds a sense of urgency

But it also allows us to set checkpoints along the way to ensure that we are making progress at the right rate

And so we can adjust along the way
Once you set an end date, you then must go back and recheck to see if it’s still realistic

Making $1 million is realistic overall but may not be realistic over the next 6 months

Lose weight

Can be made SMART if it’s rewritten similar to the following

I will lose 25 pounds of fat by January 1, 2021 by exercising for 1 hour 5 days per week, by eating 90% natural foods, and by sleeping 7+ hours per night
You can take your goals and rewrite them to make them Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic, and Timely

Good luck!
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