Today, I want to share some new analyses with you that tell a story of a previously unexamined virtuous circle. This is a story about the power workers hold on the job, and the benefits they receive when they’re off the job through no fault of their own. (1/10)
It may not surprise you that when workers who are union members face unemployment, they are more likely to get UI than their unorganized peers. After all, unions ensure that workers have the high-quality jobs needed to qualify for UI, and help connect workers to benefits. (2/10)
But it may come to you as slightly more of a surprise that being a member of a disadvantaged demographic group makes you less likely to apply for, and less likely to receive, UI. (3/10)
Yes that’s right. Precisely those groups who are least likely to have a savings cushion to pay bills and buy food while searching for work are also the groups that are least likely to get UI. If you need UI most, you are also most likely to go without its support. (4/10)
But here’s another fact about unions and UI receipt. When we look at workers who are members of unions, those gaps by education level disappear. (5/10)
The same is true for disparities by race. (6/10)
Not only does it appear that being a member of a union makes you more likely to get UI benefits, it also appears that unions are powerful forces for erasing disparities in benefit receipt by race and class. Powerful story, huh? But that’s not the end. (7/10)
See, just like being organized does something for UI receipt, UI receipt does something for worker organizing. The more certain workers are that they'll receive UI if they lose work, the less afraid they are when it comes to taking collective action. UI empowers workers✊. (8/10)
So that’s the virtuous circle. Unemployment benefits ➡️ worker organizing ➡️ unemployment benefits and around and around it goes 🔄🔄🔄. Too often we think of these issues in silos. But they are inherently connected. (9/10)
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