The switch to appointment-only testing in ON so poorly conceived I don’t even know where to start.
Maybe I’ll start by saying that despite decades of knowledge and experience with wait times mgt and queuing theory, the province has now set up multiple testing queues instead of a single entry system which would be faster.
Now you have each site setting up its own online booking system using who-knows-what technology they’ve cobbled together overnight, with no regard for user experience not to mention AODA compliance and multi-language considerations.
What’s worse is you’ve now encouraged comparison shopping with people booking multiple appointments and going to the quicker one without or with no ability to cancel others, creating no-shows meanwhile hundreds of ppl aren’t able to even get in line.
What we now have is a “wait 1” vs “wait 2” situation with wait 2 (test backlog) visible and wait 1 opaque. It’s no way to manage wait times; maybe just the optics of wait times. It’s like we’ve learned nothing in two decades.
And on a personal good news note our test just came back negative and my son in back in school after a week off.
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