Three years since I returned to work after my first experience (as an adult) of mental health troubs. I'd had a hefty case of the burnout, caused by that wicked combo of extreme inner critic and important work with high expectations that i was desperate to meet 1/
I still struggle at times to not let me anxiety take over and I spend more time than I should expecting the worst but I'm absolutely better at understanding that my value at work doesn't equal hours spent at a desk or projects crammed in. I think, weirdly, I'm better for it 2/
Though it was terrifying at the time (it felt like my brain had broken) and I've had my moments since, I think it makes me better to myself and better to my team who I hope know that their mental health always ALWAYS comes first . 3/ #WorldMentalHealthDay
I'm not a mental health expert and have only my own experience but would recommend looking in to Maslach Burnout Theory. If you feel the signs and are concerned then please go to your doctor. You have not failed. If anything you have have probably over achieved. 4/
Control, Community, Reward, Fairness and Values are all just as important. I know for example that when I start to get anxious and struggle cognitively it's often because in starting to feel out of control, or that that is a values clash happening somewhere. 6/
It's funny, I don't even think twice about sharing this stuff now. It's absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. I'm really good at what I do. If anyone would doubt my abilities as a result of having had mental health troubs then they are not who i'd want to work with anyway. Innit.
Me again! Thinking about this again, I realise that I'm super privileged to feel this way. I have great workplace with good support and staff rights. So it's also totally super cool for anyone who doesn't feel as free to speak out. Sending solidarity x
Cripes. I've been meaning to write a well crafted, thoughtful blog about this for yonks. Turns out a stream of conscious thread of tweets written while making sausage sandwiches does the trick! Standard. Thanks for kind words and please take care. x
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