I was asked yesterday why we hear so little about T-cell immunity to coronaviruses & to SARS-CoV-2. As they observed, while there are various estimates ranging 20-50% possessing this immune response prior to covid19 arriving, so we can’t say exactly how common it is. But it’s...
...not zero. It’s a very good question. It’s discussed all the time between those with a grasp of human immune systems. We know very well that antibodies are just one part of an extremely sophisticated system to defend us. In fact it’s so complicated that it would be fair to...
...say it’s not completely understood. But we do know a lot. So why aren’t T-cell responses talked about in the main media?
It seems the authorities have a two pronged approach to immunity. First they don’t talk about it, or they tell us hardly anyone is immune, like only 7%...
...have antibodies. Second, that it wanes with time.

It’s a neat strategy because both claims APPEAR to be stood up by “the science”. But it’s just wrong.

First, and let me tell you, I found it terrifying to realise that one of the SAGE members, Professor John Edmunds...
... replying to an email from a Professor friend of mine (I was cc’d on the message) asserted that “only 7% of the population have so far been infected”. I thought “he cannot surely be so ill educated that he believes serology is a reliable guide to exposure?”. But it appears...
... so. We know this isn’t true. There’s much literature which shows that many who had very mild or no symptoms simply don’t seroconvert or if they do, levels of antibodies are often low & fade quickly. A more educated estimate of population exposure is in the 20s %. He also...
... appears not to believe or know that approx 30% had T-cell recognition of parts of any of four endemic coronaviruses which contribute to the common cold & which cross react with analogous pieces of SARS-CoV-2. So the SAGE team, appallingly, believed that 100% of the...
... population were susceptible & that only 7% have been infected. No wonder they expect another wave, several times bigger than the first!
But it’s just nonsense. No educated biologist agrees with either of those two statements. Sadly, it’s just SAGE who are the sole feed to...
... our politicians, none of whom have a biology degree between them.

I suspect that T-cells are conveniently missed out of their communications because it’s quite complex to explain (compared with antibodies) & it plays into their “vaccine is the only way out of this”...
... narrative. I should be challenged on that last sentence. Is that really what SAGE thinks? You decide.
Here are Professor John Edmunds actual words:
“As for your assertion that the epidemic has already run its course, I cannot disagree more. It has not. Only about 7% of...
... us have been infected (though, again this will be a bit higher in some parts). The epidemic has a very long way to go to “run its course” and I very much hope that it never does. I.e. we vaccinate to achieve herd immunity instead of allowing natural infection to do this.”
When my friend, a Professor of Cell Biology & Immunology, replied to Edmunds, excoriating his weak & error prone understanding, including several journal articles, Edmunds just stopped communicating. Seriously, that’s the kind of people guiding idiot Hancock & appearing...
... on TV & radio often, frightening the population. I think it’s a criminal matter to be that “Clueless in a public office”.

Professor Edmunds. I was openly party to the communication I have quoted. If you don’t wish to be quoted, be more circumspect in your messages. On the...
...substance of my astonishment that you believe things that are known not to be true, please defend yourself, or resign immediately.
Thank you.
Dr Mike Yeadon
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