With the #EndSarsProtests going on, some of us would have liked to participate directly, but can't for a number of reasons. Well, here's how you can help without actually being present.

1. Email/call your government representatives, senators, etc. If they won't listen... 1/?
we'll make them. For ease of use and to save you the time for those of us who are anxious or not sure what to say, I have provided a call/email script image and have also attached a tweet listing the senators email addresess and phone numbers. 2/?
2. You can also donate to/pitch in on this thread asking that peoe help out the protesters. 3/? https://twitter.com/fkabudu/status/1314363320447762435?s=19
3. This tweet has a hack that removes all that wahala of composing/typing a message to government reps and does the work for you. All you need to do is select your senator's number/email and press send. MAKE THEM LISTEN. 4/? https://twitter.com/nkechiogueri/status/1314495872592478208?s=19
4. Not sure who your senator is? Here's how to find out. 5/? https://twitter.com/clarenceonyx/status/1314512463971446784?s=19
5. Boost. Retweet. Tag news sources to threads highlighting what we're on about. Use your platform to speak out. [More resources will be added to this as we go along].
You can follow @adaceratops.
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