I’m really stuck on this thing where FoxNews refused to cover the most significant story of the day—the most significant domestic terrorism plot *in years*—in prime time because it doesn’t fit the editorial narrative they are using to mindf*ck Americans toward political violence https://twitter.com/mollymckew/status/1314357398891626496
It’s unconscionable what they are KNOWINGLY DOING to America by manipulating perceptions of reality.
I’m going outside to write, but in case you were wondering, so far this AM Fox & Friends have leaned heavy on hurricane coverage & “court packing” to avoid the Michigan story, with segments on one homeowner in Wisconsin “confronting” (non-white) protesters, and a cookbook. Really
There is no conclusion except that FoxNews refuses to cover this story because they don’t want to discourage other spontaneous militias actions by reminding them it is f*cking illegal and the FBI is probably already inside your group.
You can follow @MollyMcKew.
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