Thread on Trump 'thinking process' 1/19

Trump is 'increasingly' erratic, which is of course wild, considering how erratic he is normally. But there are several sound reasons WHY Trump is behaving so bewilderingly. Like on stimulus, debates etc

#StopTrumpsTerror #TrumpIsNotWell
Trump Thinking Thread 2/19

Trump is mentally weak, he is not smart, he is an imbecile, so his cognitive ability is roughly that of a 9-12 year old. He never even 'had' the tools to think complex things through - and am not now disparaging your smart child. Trump ALSO is lazy
Trump Thinking Thread 3/19

So a simpleton, who also was lazy, got his rich dad to buy him a degree from university, by having someone else take his SAT exams, and then no doubt, paid others to write his essays & take his tests too (or just bribe a few professors).
Trump Thinking Thread 4/19

So when Trump says dumb stuff like raking the forest or California rivers and the ocean now, or nuking a hurricane - he is too dumb to understand. It is like injecting bleach with Covid. Trump is an imbecile. He should be nowhere near Oval Office
Trump Thinking Thread 5/19

So even the STARTING point to Trump is weak. Then his advice & advisors. Trump NEVER hired best advisors to begin with. So he's not even GETTING the best advice. And when he happens to have inherited best advisors (like say Dr Fauci) he feuds with them
Trump Thinking Thread 6/19

But he is simple, and cannot comprehend complex matters. So he is particularly persuadable by last person he listened to. This happens all the time with Trump. He says something, and suddenly he does the opposite. Because of what someone just told him
Trump Thinking Thread 7/19

Manafort understood this and used it. He made sure he was the last person to advise Trump and then often steered Trump away from suicidal decisions (in terms of 2016 campaign). Manafort was only one to keep Trump on a leash (for a short while)
Trump Thinking Thread 8/19

Trump has NO ability to control himself. No impulse control whatsoever. Unless someone ELSE controls him (usually only briefly, like Bill Barr did impeachment hearings) Trump himself cannot 'wait' to think things through. Which results in knee-jerk
Trump Thinking Thread 9/19

Trump 'thinking' is knee-jerk flip-flops, sudden childish tantrums of 'throwing the chess board' and often days later, he comes back. You remember his various silly shutdowns. The first of which was AGAINST REPUBLICANS. Trump is dangerously impulsive
Trump Thinking Thread 10/19

With that backdrop, Trump's TRUSTED advisors have been fired (Sessions), resigned (Chris Christie), turning on him (Michael Cohen). Of who remain, suddenly Covid has given them cover to hide (Stephen Miller) or fear of Covid test to hide (Bill Barr)
Trump Thinking Thread 11/19

The White House is a ghost town. But Trump's most recent 'advisors' seem like rats to Trump like Mark Meadows telling the press that Trump Covid was worse than Trump had said. I am 100% certain Trump has stripped Meadows of power, will fire him soon
Trump Thinking Thread 12/19

The old classic Trump advisors like Rudy Giuliani had learned 'how' to nudge Trump toward a preferred direction. While Trump is a petulant child, those who know him well, can get him to do some things (perhaps best, Ivanka). They're all missing
Trump Thinking Thread 13/19

Those who are near Trump in a deserted White House are assistant level people to Trump inner circle. Trump barely knows them. But they know Trump vengeance. They've all seen what Trump does if anyone tells truth to power (Col Vindman). They cower.
Trump Thinking Thread 14/19

So a lazy incompetent imbecile with no self-control, has lost all adult supervision, is on the loose inside the White House. With no adult minders, he telephones Hannity & sends mad Twitter rampages. BUT he ALSO talks to his other 'friends' on phone
Trump Thinking Thread 15/19

Those random other friends will impart random thoughts to Trump, which suddenly have a ring of sanity to them. Does Trump WANT a comprehensive stimulus deal after all? (no. It just means he just spoke to some rich Wall Street guy). Same with debate
Trump Thinking Thread 16/19

Trump is a CHILD KING. He is too immature to understand what would be good for him (or the USA). But he is driven by childish impulses (like Gov Whitmer Tweets).

This is the stage of self-destruction. Democrats are best served to let Trump be Trump
Trump Thinking Thread 17/19

The Republicans do see the damage Trump is now doing to their own re-election chances. Trump is destroying the GOP right now. Turning a 47/53 election loss, into a 40/60 wipeout (or worse). They cannot let Trump be Trump, but are powerless to stop him
Trump Thinking Thread 18/19

Add to all of the above an adderall drug addict, now progressed to Dexamethasone. Trump is hopped up on effectively a hallucinogen. He will get wild mood swings, feelings of invincibility. All this makes his bad decisions FAR FAR WORSE
Trump Thinking Thread 19/19

Trump has no magic wand to win. He is just making his own loss, and the GOP loss ever worse. Let him.

It has been a rough 4 years. We have 4 weeks left. It will grow ever more chaotic. We are ahead, they are behind. And their guy is imbecile on drugs
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