*THREAD* So we’re back on the topic of nightingale hospitals, those who do not understand healthcare and the many roles it takes to run any kind of department, think they are the perfect solution, so I’m gonna break it down why it’s not as simple as sending a few nurses & Dr’s.
For one.. where are these staff being pulled from? Whether they are covid patients or not, purely just being a trained nurse or any kind of level of doctor is not enough, it doesn’t even scratch the surface and I’ll tell you why..
Different specialty areas means training for those specific areas, knowledge on conditions for those areas. A doctor or a nurse cannot just work on any ward/area, it would be unsafe. I have several years of experience in acute medicine. Could I work on intensive care? No. Why?
Because I wouldn’t have a clue what I was doing that’s why, I haven’t had any kind of training. Would you put an orthopaedic surgeon on ITU? No. Why? Because that’s not their area. That’s not what they have knowledge and expertise in.
Patients get sick, they come into hospital. Where do they go? They are allocated a bed on a designated ward suited best for their reason of admission. Would you place a covid positive patient on a renal dialysis unit because it has space and empty beds? No. Why? That’s unsafe.
A patient may start off a medical patient, then need surgical intervention. Would the patient have surgery and come back to a medical ward? No. Why? Because they need to be on their speciality area. Why? To get the best treatment from those with expertise.
It’s about teams. We all liaise with many specialties every single day for each individual patient. So back to nightingale, to run that place you think just nurses and doctors? Think about it. What speciality drs and nurses would you suggest? Regardless of covid..
Let’s look at the situation holistically, you’ll need emergency teams, I can’t even count the amount of specialities you may need especially in a full nightingale as you wish for, cardiology, renal, intensive care, respiratory, neuro, that’s just to name a few. A range of nurses
Healthcare assistants, pharmacy, microbiologists, social teams, domestics, security, physio & OT, porters, kitchen staff etc. What if there’s an electric fault? Can nurses & Drs fix that too? Do the pts just turn up? Who’s taking the referrals? Allocating beds? Who’s discharging
Who’s taking the patients home? who’s bringing them in? are we going to bombard the ambulance service and take them off the road too? But you not what else? WHO THE HELL IS STAFFING OUR POSTS WEVE LEFT FOR THE NIGHTINGALE?
Who the hell is training us? And where is this training taking place and who the hell is paying for it? I don’t think it’s going to work do you? I mean we haven’t even touched base on the xrays, CT’s, ultrasounds. Blood bank, a lab. Guess what? That’s even more staff.
You know all these things I’ve mentioned? It’s what the NHS has in their hospitals. So forgive me but no you cannot just send a few Dr’s and nurses to your local nightingale and sort out this whole pandemic for you. That’s not how it works, that isn’t healthcare.
So stay in your lane, we’ll stay in ours. Because you clearly misunderstand our roles, our responsibilities. We do not know everything, we all have different fields. We’re not fucking super heroes. We treat sick people, we don’t always succeed. You know what we can’t do?
Fix this bloody pandemic, we are not in charge. We do not make the rules. We turn up to work, we do our jobs and believe me it’s not pretty, we see things the human eye should never have to see. So back off. Go preach to your people in power. The NHS is not it.
We haven’t lied to you, we haven’t promised you impossible things. So stop blaming us for the fuck ups of everyone else and then expecting us to solve it for you. Still not happy? Go train to be a nurse/DR then come at me with the “facts.”
Better yet become a politician and see that we are forced to suffer at the hands of incompetent bunch of power freaks and take the blame for every single thing. Get off the daily mail, Wikipedia etc and see for yourselves that you cannot run a nightingale hospital with NO STAFF.
Seriously how did we get to this point? We’re not the enemy, yet every move we make you calculate, you accuse us. We’re just trying to do good in this shitty world, we’re trying to help. We hate it too. We’re frustrated. Half the time we have no idea what’s going on or what the
Next step is. We also get left in the dark, we hate not having visitors come visit their sick relatives, we hate seeing the strain and impact this is having on people’s metal health. We hate seeing more and more overdoses, suicide attempts. We stepped into these roles to
Save lives, to do good. We now see deaths daily and I’m not just talking about covid. Do you know how hard it is rushing to get into level 3 PPE for a cardiac arrest when your whole body is screaming at you that this is someone’s life fuck the PPE, but we cant. The whole time
You know each passing second is critical, and when that patient doesn’t make it, you take that guilt home you blame yourself, you go back to work the next day you smile and do it again. I’m proud of each and every one of us, NHS and none NHS, this whole fiasco has been hell
On every single one of us, we’ve all lost someone or know of someone, we’ve all missed out on major life events that we’ll never experience again, things that will change the way we live forever. Yet despite all that we’re a country at war, we’ve turned on each other.
It’s the grief, the depression, the PTSD, the anger, the hate all rolled into one. In years to come this will be in history books for all to read about, and I for one am proud that I’m still alive, I’m breathing, and one day at a time we get closer to getting through this life.
So you non believers, anti maskers whatever you are, be yourself. If that’s who you truly are and what you believe that’s your choice. For everyone else be proud, proud of who you are, where you’ve come and what you’ve overcome, don’t let this negative attitude from minor
Groups of people diminish your spirit, your good will, or your character. They are a minority, who unfortunately may never understand, but that’s ok cause there’s so much more people who DO & we stand together.
You can follow @Sister_Medicine.
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