What if #sakuatsu breaks up and instead of the expected chaotic mess that happens after a breakup they remain as good friends (well as good friends as THEY can be) and Atsumu is very supportive of kiyoomi whenever he speaks of wakatoshi in that kind of affectionate way
And even ushers kiyoomi to ask him out before he gets snatched away by someone else. They date and Atsumu roots on them from the sidelines. And kiyoomi is just so happy he can’t help but share his love sickness with Atsumu because at this point Atsumu could very well be one of
If not the only best friend he has. Wakatoshi is lovely and more than Kiyoomi could ask for. Even their love language is similar. Atsumu just smiles at him whenever he’s so excited to share tidbits of their relationship and tells him “yer so in love omi-kun, I’m happy for ya”
But as time goes kiyoomi can’t help but miss the overbearing weight during mornings, the whining of a child not getting his cuddles, the bear hugs from a certain annoyance, and the gentle soothing whenever he’s in an awful mood.
Kiyoomi knows he fell out of love w Atsumu, thought it was better to stay in touch as friends, so why can’t he help but want these, once his and now forbidden, things again? Kiyoomi lies to himself and tries to seek these small comforts with wakatoshi but it’s just. Not the same
He becomes miserable. And Atsumu, of course the silly boy that he is, notices immediately and asks what’s wrong and tries to cheer him up. Kiyoomi notices that Atsumu does that a lot, always puts kiyoomi first before himself and he wonders what he did to deserve such an amazing
Person in his life and wonders briefly...just why did they break up?

Atsumu answers the question that slips out of his mouth, “Because you were in love with someone else, right?”

Kiyoomi stares. And tries to remember if he did love wakatoshi back then. He’s pretty sure he had
A crush. Who wouldn’t when it comes to ushijima wakatoshi? But he’s also sure that he was still in love with Atsumu at the time. Still is, he belatedly realizes.

He changes topic. “Aren’t you seeing anyone?”

“Nah, too tired for that.” And they leave it at that.
Except kiyoomi keeps thinking. And thinking. He loves wakatoshi. But he’s pretty sure he loves Atsumu more. And isn’t that a horrible thought? Atsumu keeps telling him to share any insecurities he has w wakatoshi bc that’s what boyfriends should do and kiyoomi can’t tell Atsumu
That he still loves him. So he shares his fears with wakatoshi, knows that the man won’t judge him for his feelings.

“I know” wakatoshi says.


“You keep talking about him”

Kiyoomi is a fool. Always is. He apologizes, for being such a horrible boyfriend when he
Should be focusing on wakatoshi but wakatoshi just laughs.

“I don’t think any of us put enough into this relationship to start with.”

Kiyoomi for a brief moment thinks of all the instances Wakatoshi has mentioned a certain redhead and huh it’s almost obsessive compared to
Kiyoomi’s own with Atsumu coming out from his lips. They are fools.

“Should we... break up?”

“It might be for the best.”

“I... had a good time, wakatoshi-kun”

“So did I.” They wish each other good luck, kiyoomi hoping that tendou will pick up on wakatoshi’s feelings and
Wakatoshi hoping that a certain blond will take him back. Fuck. He hopes so too.
It’s 2am when kiyoomi knocks on Atsumu’s door. The blond, still awake for some reason, lets him in and ask what’s wrong.

“I broke up with wakatoshi”

Atsumu frowns and asks him why, weren’t they happy? Did something happen? Should he go beat up ushiwaka for him?
Kiyoomi just shakes his head. “I’m in love with someone else.”

“Damn you move on fast, huh. Who is it? That high school captain of yers?”

“Miya. Tell me. Why aren’t you with someone else?”

“That’s p sudden, omi-kun” Atsumu says, barks a nervous laughter. “Don’t feel like it”
“Is that the only reason?”

Atsumu freezes and looks ready to bolt out of his own flat. Kiyoomi has always had a nibbling thought, ever since the first time he asked why Atsumu wasn’t seeing someone new already, that maybe he still had some feelings for him.
He thinks that nibbling thought has been right all along.

“I still like you Atsumu. I still love you. Please go out with me again.”

Kiyoomi’s heart breaks when he hears Atsumu suddenly sob and wraps his arms around the blond, tries to comfort him. Gosh, he’s such an asshole.
“I thought— I didn’t think you— o-omi-kun” his sobs wrack through his body and it hurts kiyoomi so much while he tries to calm him down.

“Ya just looked so excited and happy whenever ya talked about him, so I thought...” that kiyoomi would be better off with someone else?
Atsumu nods. He just wants kiyoomi to be happy, and if that happiness was shared with someone else then who was Atsumu to stop? He’s always been a fool for kiyoomi, always wanted the best for him either it be with or without him.
So Atsumu let go. And watched on as kiyoomi smiled brighter and laughed louder. He was so sick with love Atsumu couldn’t help but be happy for him, even though Atsumu’s heart kept breaking because he could never make kiyoomi that happy.
Atsumu never stopped loving kiyoomi. Just watched on as his love went to another man and flourished under his attention. So when kiyoomi barged out of nowhere telling him he just broke up w him? His heart plummeted. Who else was going to make kiyoomi happy now?
“You are, Atsumu” Kiyoomi tells him. “You’ve always made me happy. Let me make you happy too.”

They get together again.

(kiyoomi, realizing how insecure his lover can be, reassures him from time to time how much he loves Atsumu. And that he would never let him go a 2nd time)
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