hearing on PM that the campaign to criminalise coercive control has partnered with White Ribbon. In case you were wondering if expanding creation of criminality was a good idea.
the idea that armed and violent agents of the patriarchal state are a solution to men’s violence against women in the patriarchal home is so offensive to me.
Baird gave Womens shelters built by feminists to corporate religions - organisations riddled with sex offenders - and now we are supposed to think that giving police more powers for a problem that was being addressed by Womens shelters built by feminists.
as a white woman and a feminist I am BEGGING white women feminists to listen to the experts on the carceral state, racist police violence, and rampant misogyny as well as racism, ableism and homophobia, in the ranks of police forces among colleagues and in policing practices.
that post was inspired by the late, great Maddy Dell, who spent hours compiling resources and centering women, especially Blak women-run services, and who generously agreed to open her FB page with its list of ways to support women in response to queries to this post.
this is the Maddy para. She mobilised. She donated free research, she volunteered her time, she compiled a list of resources and donor links. When people asked me for pointers I messaged to ask if I could share the link (on another platform) and she said yes.
not for nothing did mr numbers himself concede that high rates of incarcerating Indigenous people is a function of police escalating charges against Indigenous people.

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