This bleach drinking meme has been leapt upon by delighted scoffers &mockers around the world
Trump never actually said this.
He did speculate, in his usually inelegant workman’s English, which insecure snobs so deplore, about how to ‘get disinfectant inside the body’
Here are some examples of disinfectants which are routinely used inside the body:
Povidone iodine
Hydrogen peroxide
Acetic acid
Super-oxidised water

That’s just off the top of my head. There are more.
Trump was right in that disinfectants are commonly used and studies have been underway for years into how to better utilise disinfectants sagely inside the body.
He no doubt got this info from the docs that he was in discussion with but his representation of the idea, expressed in layman terms, evinced a knee jerk ‘point and laugh’ reaction amongst the kind of mockers and scoffers who think far too highly of their meagre intelligence
( *Eusol by the way stands for Edinburgh University Solution of Lime. It is a type of BLEACH and has been used to irrigate deep wounds since WW1.)
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