New painting time! Step one is a general letter spacing sketch (seen here, although it is super light). I use Dr. Ph. Martin's concentrated water color. They are liquid droppers, and I've had them for about 5 years and they still have plenty of product.
I paint the letters segmented without planning where the segmentation will take place. I just go with the flow and paint shapes close to one another. I make a lot of mistakes... But I dont worry about them yet.
So now I'm gonna continue "inking" my letters. I don't start in with color until all the black paint is laid down. I will continue this thread when I move on to the next step!
With this line of lettering complete, I'm gonna erase my sketch lines (I use this cool tiny mechanical pencil style eraser)
I'm going to add a smaller line of text above, but here is some completed lettering.
The lettering is complete!
I chose a color pallete of cool icy blues and purples. I am randomly going in with my different colors, and I am painting small shapes
Short video of my shape making
I tend to start in a blank area and work my way up the the lettering. If I were smart, I would start by going around the lettering.
Color done! Time for white touch ups.
I'm using a white uniball signo pen to fix some of the white separation.
Some finishing touches
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