Seeing people complaining because @ZombaeKillz supposedly said @Xbox are racists and sexists because they didn't give her a free Xbox Series X. I'll be honest. That was my first thought too. They sent them to the most popular creators. Who happen to be white. And male...
Yeah. Had to check my privilege and try to see something from someone else's point of view. Also had to actually listen, because that's not what she said. She was pointing out that almost the entire first wave of these consoles went to white men.
A second wave included a number of people of color, but very few women of any color. Of course the argument is the consoles went to the creators with the largest reach, but what came first? The chicken or the egg?
Do white male creators receive more opportunities because they have more reach, or do they have more reach because they receive more opportunities? We can argue that one all day.
The fact is, not giving opportunities to diverse creators, or even giving it to them later, maintains the status quo. Xbox had an opportunity to elevate diverse voices and they missed it. Are the folks running Xbox racists and sexists? I hope not.
Would I love to see the folks at Xbox think about more than just audience size when choosing who to partner with? Absolutely. We need those different voices to grow as a community, and Xbox is in a unique position to elevate those voices.
I'd like to thank @ZombaeKillz for challenging me and making me think during what was supposed to be a light hearted listen during my morning commute. I need more of that in my timeline.
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