. @anneapplebaum I’m curious about collaboration in the historical sense around the @NoahCRothman and @mattklewis sensibilities, which seems to me to constantly seek moral equivalency between the indefensible and the inherently flawed. I’ve been to all of the camps but 1/ https://twitter.com/reedgalen/status/1314388815482482690
Theresiensrast made an impression as the show camp. Wide boulevards with glass fronts full of bread and pastries greeted the International Red Cross who nodded appreciatively for the consideration and humanity shown the Jews by the touring Nazis. It was all defensible
Because there was always a greater threat or some immediate noble political aim that would not have been in reach but for the odious accommodation. They strike me as latter day American Chamberlins, soft and naive, privileged immeasurably by the system they gently revile while
passionately embracing. When threats to Democracy arise, like they do now, it requires hardness and fierceness in response. @mattklewis and @NoahCRothman are soft friends of classical liberalism and democracy. They think right and wrong is a calculation and a position.
They are both polished and comfortable. I wish they both had guts and conviction. The heart of a Vichy is one I can never understand but I know it and we all know it when we see it. @reedgalen @TheRickWilson @stuartpstevens @ProjectLincoln
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