(1/ ) #lawtwitter #pdtwitter My contract was terminated today because I refused to condone ethical violations and outright violations of the law. I knew that my response today when asked to rubber stamp his lie would be the end, but ...
(2/ ) ...I believe with my entire heart that I can’t stand up for others, if I don’t stand up for myself and what I believe in....
(3/ ) For the last 4 months, I have had to push back against an employer who has told witnesses they “don’t have to show up to court” if they submit to a deposition and then planned to enter those depositions into evidence as though the witness was unavailable...
(4/ ) I pushed back when he actively instructed clients to lie under oath. And I pushed back when he tried to litigate a case, in which he was a material witness...
(5/ ) I have endured sexism, racism, and male fragility constantly for the last 4 months. I was pressured to weigh myself in front of the entire staff at the direction of my male boss. I was pressured to share intimate details about my life in front of the entire staff...
(6/ ) ...and was reprimanded when I did not share enough. I was reprimanded when I did not accept the claim that “it is a biological fact that women are more emotional than men.” And throughout this entire summer...
(7/ ) ...every time a Black man or woman was murdered at the hands of the police, I was forced to engage in his intellectual exercise of my pain...
(8/ ) ...So now, I don’t have a job. And I’m really scared. It’s October and I have two kids who deserve a Christmas. But, I’m also proud of myself and hopeful that there is something better waiting for me. #lawtwitter
I guess I should add more about the sexism. I was constantly gaslighted & made to feel as though I didn't know the law despite the fact that my legal experience exceeds his. And today, my motherhood & womanhood was weaponized against me, resulting in this termination.
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