1/ A visual representation of the 2020 COVID psyop strategy, which appears to be a rare false-false-flag operation.

Essentially, the CCP used the Wuhan virology lab as a decoy to distract hawkish officials while laundering deadly, totalitarian lockdowns as “the science.”
3/ Meanwhile, CCP used its clout and collaborators in prestigious international, academic, media, and government institutions, which carry great weight with liberal elites, to normalize the lie that China’s measures could effectively “control the virus.”
5/ The psyop appears to have its philosophical origins in Unrestricted Warfare by genius strategist Qiao Liang, who theorized about weapons “closely linked to the lives of the common people”.. “gentle and kind things that have begun to have offensive and lethal characteristics.”
6/ Hyping a rather ordinary virus as a bio-weapon was important, because its relative non-lethality actually made it harder to track, and also didn’t kill many Chinese citizens. So this really amounts to psychological warfare with biological characteristics for a new era.

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