Schlatt is an excellent villain, Dream was an excellent villain, but I think Wilbur out does them both tremendously
[THREAD, because I’m going lit major on ur asses]
We’ll go in order, so dreamie boy huh?
Dream was an intimidating villain because of his pure power alone, there was no standing against him because all he had to do was look at you and you were dead. However, while he can be intimidating, he still showed compassion.
After the duel with tommy, what should’ve been the end of l’manberg, Tommy struck a desperate deal. Any tyrant would’ve denied it, said no, and strike him down a second time.
Dream didn’t.
Yes, he gained the discs he wanted, but you could hear the hesitation in his voice.
Dream’s fall as a villain into anti-hero was his compassion. Throughout the war he was ruthless, but you could still see cracks of his heart coming through. This is supported by him helping Pogtopia, taking to their side because Wilbur was a peaceful man.
Dream’s summary:
- powerful, but he had doubts and could see their struggle. He was Empathetic
Schlatt however, is almost the opposite. He has no power on his own, didnt even have a sword or a single drop of land to his name, yet he came into l’manberg and changed it from the inside out. Where he lacks in physical strength, he makes up in with ambition.
He’s intimidating because of the fear he invokes, watching Tubbo’s perspective, you can hear the fear in his voice as he does his bidding. He has a presence, and he abuses the fuck out of it, as he should. He knows how to twist people around.
His downfall? Is that exact same ambition. Fear can only go so far before it sparks spite, and what usually comes, a rebellion. Once people realize he holds no true power, it’s all over for him. One shot away and he’s no longer a threat.
His words are his power, but his actions don’t keep up with it. Anyone with enough courage to stand up to him provides an opening to others.
Schlatt Summary:
- intimidating through fear, but holds no real power. All bark, no bite.
Both have been excellent antagonists, but I feel that they don’t hold a candle to what’s coming with wilbur’s arc.
Schlatt used fear, Dream used force. Wilbur? He has manipulation, and he’s the full package.
Wilbur has created the persona of being a caring, visionary of a leader. He wanted to make a place where any person could be free from tyranny, and become something more. He was passionate, kind, and used peaceful options.
That’s all gone now.
With him taking such a drastic change, it’s throwing everyone into a muddled confusion, he’s unpredictable.
To go further, he’s unnerving. He was able to be the under dog, gain everyone’s support, yet this is how it turned out.
His unpredictability makes him unsettling, a loose canon and someone to be feared. What’s worse? He can back his words with actions. He won’t hesitate to do what he sees best. He has no empathy left for the people who’ve hurt him, not even those who’s stayed with him.
Wilbur summary:
- his unpredictable nature makes him unsettling, and what’s worse, he can back his words with his actions.
The only way he’s going down is through tommy and tubbo. Two people he thought he could trust, one of which was his right hand man and would follow him to the ends of the earth, the other a brilliant but trapped boy within manberg.
He’s riding on Tommy doing nothing, staying by his side no matter what, even if begrudgingly.
But he doesn’t know that Tommy has more allies than foes at this point.
He’ll be in for a surprise when he sees that boy, the one who he took to like and older brother, helped guide into being a visionary and who supported him, is going to be the very one to bring him down.
Holy fuck.
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