Thread. Something that helped my dysphoria a lot was a change in overall perspective about being female. For me, radical feminist ideas helped a lot. It gave words & acknowledgement to what I had experienced my whole life. It wasn’t just me, it was real.
Gender critical ideas where also of great help. The idea that nothing other then my biological sex made me a woman & That’s the only thing that did. It gave me an out from the gender prison. What came next was identifying what exactly my dysphoria was. I had to name the feeling.
Fear, sadness, anxiety, hate, disgust, shame, repulsion. Then I needed to ask why. Why do I feel deep disgust & shame around myself/body? Why do I feel “wrong”? What about me exactly feels wrong? My answer? I act like a man & that’s wrong. Why?
I had to go back to the first time I could remember feeling shame around my masculine behavior. I was 7 or so & my mother told me I walked like a man & needed to walk like a girl. I became obsessed with walking differently. I then became aware that people noticed these things
& paranoia around my presentation set in & would follow me for the rest of my life. Ok, so I know the feeling, I named it. I knew the cause, I found it. The rest was just practice. Every time I had that feeling of shame around being butch I would think of the cause & tell myself
“This isn’t a truthful thought, the shame is not an accurate emotion, I have nothing to be ashamed of. Or “this is my mother’s voice, this is not mine.” Then I would usually think of something nice about butch woman. “We are strong, free, brave, & we are loved
& accepted because of who we are by other beautiful lesbian woman.”

This isn’t a rocket science, this is pretty common ways a lot of therapy works. I didn’t come up with this all on my own either, I had other detrans women who came before me who had to ask these questions.
I sometimes still have “dysphoria “ shame around myself as a butch woman . But it’s not debilitating anymore. I can push through it. But I also give myself permission to retreat for a while if I need to. Dysphoria isn’t a full stop, it’s a starting piont to healing. #detrans
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