Whew! Finally caught up on all the @StarTrek news via #NYCC. Today is one of those days where we are spoiled with an embarrassment of riches as Star Trek fans. Ready or not, here come some thoughts! Spoiler-filled, but appropriately tagged thread ahead.
If the #StarTrekLowerDecks finale were all we had to talk about today, that would have been plenty enough. I love that these are not static characters that will never grow and change. They unflinchingly went there, and in doing so, they opened so many story possibilities.
Mariner's arc reminds me a bit of Tom Paris, a bit of Kelvinverse Kirk. She's the daughter of Starfleet officers, was probably expected to join Starfleet, and showed a lot of promise when she did. Cue some overwhelmingly high expectations, which she rejected. #StarTrekLowerDecks
Freeman knows her daughter could be the best damn captain in the fleet if she wanted to. Like any good parent, she wants the best for her child, so she pushes Mariner in hopes that she will reach her peak potential. Of course, that doesn't work. #StarTrekLowerDecks
Like Kirk in Star Trek Beyond, Mariner needs to redefine her purpose for serving in Starfleet. With Mariner and Freeman coming to some mutual understanding in "No Small Parts," I fully expect some fun, out-of-the-box shenanigans in season 2. #StarTrekLowerDecks
It'll be a fun dance while it lasts, but it won't last forever. Eventually, Mariner will find that higher purpose she's looking for. She'll have mom's support along the way, but it must happen on Mariner's terms. THEN she'll be ready for that big promotion. #StarTrekLowerDecks
Speaking of promotions, Boims moving on up to the Titan felt like a well-earned payoff. As he comes into his own, I'm curious to see how that + long distance affects the Boimler-Mariner dynamic — assuming she doesn't stay mad at him forever, of course. :) #StarTrekLowerDecks
Shaxs, we barely knew ye. But I fully expect a return of some sort, maybe in season three? Know where I'm going with this? #StarTrekLowerDecks
Tendi won me over in "No Small Parts." She's a supportive, unselfish team player here, but with good boundaries — a far cry from the person who needed everyone to like her earlier in the season. #StarTrekLowerDecks
I'm still not sure how I feel about what happened with Rutherford. Is he gonna be the Kenny of Lower Decks, where they reset him via his implant every season? #StarTrekLowerDecks
I could go on and on about #StarTrekLowerDecks . I love it so much. What an amazing first season! I love it as much as I love #StarTrekVoyager , and you probably know how much I love that show! :D
Just wanna give a shout-out to @MikeMcMahanTM @TrondyNewman @JackQuaid92 @eugcordero @dawnn_lewis @MrJerryOC @RealTomHankz @FredTatasciore @StarTrek @startrekcbs and EVERYONE involved for the amazing gift of #StarTrekLowerDecks . Love to you all.
But wait, there's more! Now we have #StarTrekDiscovery coming in hot next week. Getting excited for meeting @Grudge_Cat and the far-flung future.
Star Trek has always influenced society and culture in the realm of technological advancement, and I wonder if we'll see any crazy-cool concepts in this new section of the future that might lead to innovations in our nearer future. #StarTrekDiscovery
Based on the trailers, it looks like #StarTrekDiscovery S3 will be a story of rebuilding, hope, and connection. Couldn't come at a better time when we need these things in the here and now more than ever.
And what would this thread be without a MAJOR FUCKING FLAIL over the return of Kathryn Janeway in #StarTrekProdigy! You guys have idea how hard it was to stop vibrating from the excitement so I could record Second Contact with half of what's left of my sanity!
. @TheKateMulgrew is absolutely right — kids are gonna watch #StarTrekProdigy with their parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters. It'll be a family affair. A whole new generation of kids will grow up watching Star Trek and Janeway will be there leading the way — no one better.
Damn, doesn't it feel good to be a Star Trek fan?

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