📌 Speaker Pelosi is 💯 right; there's a lot we don't know about Trump's health and the timing of his diagnosis: "There's one question that they refuse to answer... When was his last negative test?"

Context: He debated Biden 3 days before announcing he has the #coronavirus.
Seven months into this pandemic, stopping the #coronavirus has never been Trump's focus. To fix a problem, you first have to admit the problem. Trump decided early on to "downplay" the pandemic.

On top of that, he has never stopped working to throw out the #AffordableCareAct!
It's been 146 days since the House passed the #HEROESAct with its detailed national plan to get the #coronavirus under some control - like other developed countries have done.

Instead, Trump and the GOP Senate "paused" and an average of 1000 Americans have died every day since.
The American people are learning a harsh lesson from #COVID19: the integrity and word of a President matter.

With our "lives, livelihood, and the life of our democracy" at stake, as Madam Speaker says, not knowing if Trump is motivated by science or politics is life-threatening.
Whether it was a stunt or an erratic decision in an #AlteredState from his steroid treatment, Trump's odd announcement that he was walking away from #coronavirus relief even shocked his Republican enablers who saw their own careers going down the drain with his as a result. #vote
Trump tried to wish the #coronavirus away and Mitch McConnell and Senate GOP walked away when our country needed them most of all.

For the record, House Democrats never walked away from the huge challenge before us. They remain at the table to get something *done* #ForThePeople.
Trump is so out of touch that he needed to see the outrage from his reckless tweet that he was ending negotiations to know that abandoning families struggling to pay rent, keep their kids fed & stay safe from the #coronavirus was bad governance — and political malpractice. #vote
Trust. That is all it boils down to in the end. Who has earned our trust through the #coronavirus pandemic and as we make a plan to #vote in the most important election of our lives?

Democrats have respected us enough to tell us the hard truth & have had our backs. 26 days! 💙💪
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