Well, I did it. In an agonizing decision, I just filled out my absentee ballot for @HowieHawkins and @AngelaNWalker. While I was almost positive I was gonna vote for them ever since Biden got the nomination, the last few weeks had made me have second thoughts. (1/15)
I live in Connecticut, a state that will surely go for Biden, but with RBG's passing and Trump threatening to throw out the mail-in ballots, I began to, for the first time in months, seriously consider sucking it up and voting for Biden. And I almost did. (2/15)
The biggest thing holding me back was Tara Reade's sexual assault allegation, and how infuriatingly hypocritical establishment Dems have been on the subject. It's what pushed me over the edge to change my registration from Democratic to unaffiliated in the first place. (3/15)
"BuT aLeX, tRuMp SeXuAlLy AsSaUlTeD mOrE pEoPlE tHaN bIdEn," I can hear many people screaming at the top of their lungs right now. To which I reply with: but he has been accused of sexual assault, and it's you guys who say we must always believe women, now isn't it? (4/15)
Look, there are plenty of issues that you can make a compelling "lesser evil" case for. Sexual assault is not one of them. And let me just say that if this were Brett Kavanaugh we were talking about and not Joe Biden, y'all would be up in arms! (5/15)
But since he's part of the team, "wE cAn'T tAlK aBoUt It BeCaUsE tRuMp BaD!" Yes, Trump is bad. Very, very bad. And the thought of four more years of this monster is scary. But that doesn't mean we sweep all of the other guy's problems under the rug. (6/15)
Another thing is the innocent civilians that died from his and Obama's drone war. I couldn't in good conscience vote for someone who was complicit at best in these horrific actions. Same with him and Obama expanding our wars, and there's no reason to believe he's changed. (7/15)
Finally, this is something that REALLY got under my skin to absolutely NO END! Even people I like and respect said this, and it was beyond insufferable! "Vote Biden to save democracy!" NO! JUST NO! I know I sound a little animated right now, but let me explain why. (8/15)
When you have a guy like Joe Biden, someone who swims in campaign cash from lobbyists, corporate executives, and billionaire investors, HOW IS THAT DEMOCRACY?! He is owned by these oligarchs and will do their bidding if/when he gets elected. (9/15)
"BuT hOw Do We KnOw ThAt, AlEx? He HaSn'T bEeN eLeCtEd YeT; wE dOn'T kNoW iF tHiS mOnEy WiLl InFlUeNcE HiM." Well, it already has. Look at his record, and the public statements he's made on the campaign trail, such as supporting fracking and expanding the Pentagon budget. (10/15)
So, this idea that democracy will be "saved" by electing Biden is pure fiction when we know who's buying - oh I'm sorry, "donating to" - him. Also, establishment Dems, how dare you talk about "saving democracy" WHEN YOU CELEBRATE GREENS GETTING KICKED OFF THE BALLOT! (11/15)
So, that's why I couldn't and didn't vote for Joe Biden. His campaign is full of corruption, hypocrisy, and contempt for the progressive base. And those are things I can't look past. He's shown his true colors time and again, and I don't think for a second he will change. (12/15)
One last word to Joe: just understand just how lucky you've gotten this election. If we were not in a pandemic/economic depression with 210K+ dead, you would not be the frontrunner. Maybe you'd do marginally better than Hillary, but Trump would still win in the end. (13/15)
To any lefties who are voting for Biden, I won't judge you for it. All I ask is that you don't go into this election with any illusions, and that you're honest in the sense that they both suck, but Biden is the lesser evil. I know this is a long rant, but it's necessary. (14/15)
So, if you've made it to this point, it means a lot to me, and understand that I'm not telling you how to vote, but rather just giving you my thought process. Thank you very much, and have a great day! (15/15)
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