sex workers don't sell their body, they sell a service
awaiting the radical feminists to find this post and patronise me, use degrading language to describe me, speak over me and then somehow, also call me a victim and say they support me
and yes, I am an unhappy hooker, street sex worker, ex- drug addict and was homeless, yet I still support decriminalisation of sex work because it makes me safer

I don't care about people having opinions on things they're not impacted about
you can decry prostitution harms all women but it will be me who is robbed, raped, assaulted or killed and not you

and the reason I know you guys don't care about violence against sex workers, is because you don't care about male and trans sex workers
you aint a feminist if you speak over and act as if you know better than sex workers about their own lives, jobs and sex work - we can speak for ourselves thank you x
if you actually wanna help an unhappy hooker transition away from sex work, then feel free to help me financially because unless you remove/replace the financial need then I will work

I write a blog about sex work too: 
unless you're going to hire homeless, drug using sex workers with complex mental health issues then I suggest you don't go out there trying to take away sometimes our only way to earn money in the already limited choices we have
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