A very important thread of locals defending/praising Taylor:
The outpouring of online support she got after the FULL video leaked🙄
They were defending her everywhereeee
No but SO MANY of them were on her side.🥺
One of the hundredsss of tiktoks like this with a super positive comment section yup yup
Everyone who disregards her music in the beginning LOVES it when they give it a chance. Oh, also, that time the vulture writer lost it over mtr as they should.🤭
Locals defending her from K@nye's twitter me$s on facebook oprahhhh
The response to K!m's 'statement' about the leaked video. I'm lowkey so proud of how T handled that situation btw.
Locals defending and LUVVINGG her in the comment section of a tiktok that talked about all the mysoginy involved in the hate that Taylor for during Haylor. (It has over 100k tikes btw.🥺)
Random instances of locals defending Taylor against h8ers.💕
A 'she only writes songs about her exes' type meme ended up on Instagram, and the caption and comments...😭😭💕
The comment section of a post about K@nye saying that god told him to run up on stage and take Taylor's award🤢. 😚
GP praising her activism and the fact that she's voicing her political opinions.😻
Okay, that's all I got rn. Feel free to add more in the replies if you have any!! Also, stream this edit and rt my thread, thank u ily.💕
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