So in light of today's latest example of leftist blood libel, lets talk about whether or not conservatives, en-masse, are going to accept a Trump electoral defeat and subsequent peaceful transfer of power. For this thread, we'll look at it from a typical conservative's viewpoint:
1. Sitting Democratic politicians - not pundits or operatives, but actual elected politicians - are openly embracing ending the Electoral College, packing SCOTUS and other measures that will guarantee Republicans never win another election again. 
The Democratic controlled House already voted to give themselves two free Democratic Senators: 

And the fabled Democratic US Rep. John Dingell demanded the abolition of the Senate in the pages of the Atlantic: 
2. The left plainly holds Trump voters - personally and individually - responsible for Trump himself. This op-ed by no less a luminary than Fareed Zakaria, published in no less a paper than the Washington Post, spells it out in as many words: 
3. Ergo, Conservatives are confronting a future of permanent powerlessness, ruled by a one-party government which actively hates them. Justifications of anti-conservative violence in 2017 are now being acted upon by violent mobs which Democrats defend, endorse and shelter.
Conservatives have witnessed how anyone who defends themselves against marauding mobs - including James Gardner, Kyle Rittenhouse and Mark and Patricia McCloskey - have both state and unofficial power brought to bear to destroy their lives. James Gardner is now dead of suicide.
In short, losing the election on Nov. 3rd means conservatives will face permanent rule by people who hate and loathe them, who have already gleefully endorsed, defended and encouraged violence and murder against them.

That is the world they are looking at, right now.
This is 100% the reality conservatives see in the daily headlines. You can scream that it's all lies; it makes no difference - they fully believe it, and that's all that matters vis a vis the decisions they will make.

Do you think they'll accept a "peaceful transfer of power?"
It's obvious they won't.

And given everything we've seen - from the race riots leveling our cities to promises of permanent left-wing power from the mouths of sitting left-wing politicians themselves - I can't think of an argument that would convince them that they should.
This point is worth stressing - ask any leftist, and they will give you a narrative the polar opposite of the above; same dynamics, just with the sides flipped.

It does not matter one iota that I think they're all lies, either. Because *they* believe.
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