doing these! srry for the incoming timeline spam LOL ummmm i like all of them LOL but i think i like mountain, sylnan, and br'aad the best this choice is even harder gjkhgjgsdkgls i think i watch bizly the most often on twitch and charlie the most on youtube, but i really like all of them :) hmmm hilltree :) funny goblin man. i wonder if he'll ever be able to use magic? i feel like he's super important and possibly hiding something (?) ob'nockshai :O he's terrifying as hell, i love the air of pure dread that hits the entire party whenever time begins to slow & he shows up. very interesting fellow i don't ship anyone, but i'm curious what will happen the day thardo shows up again and goes doom slayer mode on sylnan i don't really have a least favorite! i like them all :) uuhhhh (tries my best to recall the NPCs) king rigmund i wanna see that dude get his ass BEAT i dont think anyone's overrated, but that might just be cause i didn't really interact w/ jrwitwt until relatively recently since i was so behind. i guess i see a lot of talk about thardo even though he didn't show up much, but he's a cool character anyway mountain! he's super cool and also has a pretty sad backstory that isn't really talked about. also i think people can't draw short people/muscles super well which probably doesnt help (it's me i'm people) this seems like something i'd have an idea about but i really don't have anything. that being said, i think all of the fated ate sand when they were kids

(FACT: the more sand you eat, the lighter your hair is. exhibit a: br'aad and mountain) trans br'aad is pretty cool but that's more of an AU to me rather than a canon possibility. if you haven't noticed, i'm pretty "no thoughts head empty" when it comes to headcannons nope! same as my favorite characters i guess lol, but not specifically uhhhhhhhhhhhhh off the top of my head, i really like 1:19, 1:26, 2:6, and 2:36. they're all pretty entertaining, funny, and action-packed (and sad, sometimes) i can't really remember if there was an episode i hated, but if i *had* to pick it'd be 2:14 cause that was the episode i was stuck on for like 2 months. i was trying to catch up by listening to episodes nonstop, but happened to burn out then. arc 2! i don't hate arc 1, but arc 2 has a bit more direction & everyone's a lot more comfortable roleplaying. also, the stuff that was set up in arc 1 is tied into arc 2 which naturally makes it more interesting. jrwi spoilers arc 1 //
this is off the rails but what if sylnan legit died, but katherine came back, & condi played her instead? i like sylnan so i wouldn't want that to be canon, but it'd be an interesting "what if" for sure (also deity sylnan pog) jrwi spoilers arc 1 //
when sylnan came back :) also the very end of arc 1 was cool jrwi spoilers arc 1 //
uh. sylnan dying LOL. i had already seen ppl talking about sylnan on my tl (i think jrwi was at 2:23 around then) so i knew he'd come back somehow but MAN god there's so many. instead of picking one, i just think the concept of the fated in-universe is hilarious. they're all well-known and respected heroes, but whenever ppl actually meet them, they're kind of stupid and are always trying to pull shit
end of thread! :)
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