The plot to kidnap (and potentially kill) the governor of Michigan isn’t just the feds rolling up a dumbass to pad their statistics. It’s one to note.

Remember: never never never trust the journos; always always always read the actual affidavit. 
The FBI’s go-to play is:

1) find a dumbass who is potentially dangerous but at this point just runs his mouth
2) indulge him and rev him up
3) introduce him to a friendly undercover FBI agent offering to sell him explosives

This is not one of those.
This one is unusual in that they had a group of guys, several of whom were already ideologically into the idea of violence and hadn’t managed to talk themselves into actually acting yet.

They were, however, fervent. Plausibly dangerous dudes, shit-talking themselves up.
Naturally, the core group had grandiose plans involving a small army, so they reached out for like-minded people

to a Michigan militia

which had been, you guessed it

infiltrated by the FBI
The deal with the Michigan militia appears to be that some of their dudes started talking about maybe killing cops, which made one member nervous, so he tipped the feds and became a confidential informant.

So he was already an FBI asset when *these* dudes came looking.
These guys had plans to attack the governor’s vacation home, found and surveilled the property, checked out a nearby bridge to see if they could blow it up to deter police response

but they couldn’t even build a successful black-powder IED

so the CI said, “hey, I know a guy...”
at which point the FBI got very very excited because guess what

they got to pull out their old go-to play
“Our new friend knows a guy who can sell us explosives!”

“Awesome! There is *no* chance the dude selling explosives will be undercover FBI!”
So once again the far right fails to learn the lesson that it ain’t your messaging platform, it’s your people

for which we can all be grateful
HARD RIGHTY 1. “Why are the Hard Lefties so much more effective”
HARD RIGHTY 2. “Don’t ask me, dude, I’m just undercover FBI”
HARD RIGHTY 1. “Wait what”
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