I be having some bomb ass ideas 😎...

Now if only I could get over this social anxiety to actually put them out into the world 🙃
My anxiety comes from being more intellectual than most in my youth & being teased or misunderstood for it. I started hiding my intelligence to fit in so now when I actually share my thoughts or feelings I literally start sweating or crying depending on the depth of the topic
It's kind of fun I guess to work my way up out of it tho.

I'm also realizing it likely stems from a childhood obsession of wanting people to like me and thus being attached to their opinions and perceptions of me.
Currently tho, I give no fucks about other people's opinions of me. I know the people that really fwm know me, my heart, and how I move and that's really all that matters..

Plus haters are inevitable when you're as dope as I am anyways 💁🏽‍♀️
Haters only hate cause they wish they were you in some aspect.

It's really just self hate being projected onto you, protect yo InnerG loves
Basically, love yourself, forgive yourself, talk to yourself, be your best fucking friend and relieve your innerchild of all the weight you put em under.

We literally make everything harder than it has to be, don't make it harder to be your authentic self

Thanks for scrolling
Also I almost deleted this thread every time I added a tweet lol

I'ma leave it up tho, maybe it'll encourage someone else to be vulnerable 🙃
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