The best argument I have for voting for Biden: I know it seems bad that if Biden wins liberals go “back to sleep” but tbh we need liberals out of our fucking way. Like go back to brunch we have an ICE detention center to liberate
Like literally a lot of centrists and libs have literally almost got me killed at protests or sided with literal fascists when it came time. Organizing is much easier with leftists who are abolitionists.
I’m not advocating for Biden. I never would. But this is the best argument that I’ve ever heard in regards to the election. Also, most libs are asleep unless it’s a hashtag or a nice little sit in. They aren’t the ones burning down police precincts
Idgaf how you vote once again, this is just one positive I see IF Biden were to win. That is all.
@leftistlorax and myself dove deep into this together and he’s literally one of the smartest people I know and I’m thankful for his guidance and friendship. 10/10 recommended follow.
You can follow @herosnvrdie69.
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