Theaters are the epitome of the "it's easy to enter into a lockdown, but it's really hard to come out."

There needed to be a coordinated industry wide agreement and strategy in place, not everyone just acting in their own self interest and hoping for the best.
Of course all this is predicated on a country that takes the pandemic seriously and works to get infection rates under control, and that hasn't happened either.
Theaters, in particular, are in a royally fucked position in this pandemic. It was barely profitable before for theaters to pack each screen to the gills. It's in no way profitable to operate theaters at 1/3 or 1/2 capacity as the maximum.
Here's my prediction on the future of theaters. Gone are the days of movies opening on 4000 screens. Many theaters are going to close too. Limited capacity seating and fewer screen will mean it's harder to get in.
Theaters will retrofit every screen with big cushy armchairs that limit capacity without roping off aisles and still maintain social distance. To make up for lost seating revenue, full kitchen seat side catering will become the norm.
Also expect ticket prices to double. Yeah, you're going to be paying $30 a ticket to see a Marvel movie in the theater. This is just going to price a bunch of people out. There's no two ways about it.
There will be a two week release window between theater and premium VOD rental. All the people who can't/won't pay for the premium theatrical experience will be able to rent it at home not long after.
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