✨ a thread of my unpopular sequels trilogy opinions ✨ (comments off to prevent fighting, but feel free to quote retweet whether you agree / disagree)
1. I like Rey Skywalker. Both as a character and as a sentiment.
2. Finn is a likable character, but had he become a Jedi or done a stormtrooper rebellion, I would like him more. John’s a cutie though 😘
3. Initially I hated TLJ and loved TROS. Now? I like both but see their flaws. Neither are outstandingly awesome films, but neither are bad either. I prefer TLJ > TROS but TROS has some of my favorite moments, admittedly.
4. I don’t think Han & Leia were horrible parents, I blame Snoke/Palpatine’s manipulation as the reasons their relationships fizzled out.
5. TFA is a top 5 Star Wars film.
6. I think Rey is over-hated by non-sequels fans. You don’t have to love her but the aggressive treatment of her isn’t pleasant to witness.
7. Nobody has to like the sequels, but the way some fans treat people who do is disgusting and unacceptable. Just watch what you love and leave others who disagree alone! It’s not hard to be kind.
8. I don’t care for Holdo. Or Rose, or Hux, or Snoke. Phasma and Finn were kind of cool but.... Rey, Poe, & Kylo were the most interesting characters in the sequels for me.
9. I would LOVE to see more of Jannah in the future.
10. I love that Billie (Carrie Fisher’s daughter) got to be apart of the sequel trilogy. It made me cry!
11. BB-8 is a top tier droid. My boyfriend thinks he’s much more expressive than R2!
12. I didn’t love any of the planets the sequels introduced.
13. I ship Reylo. I’ve shipped it since 2015. Love it or hate it - won’t change my mind. It’s cute, stop taking things so seriously 😂💗
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