So I'm going to be reading the affidavit on the apparent plot to kidnap Governor Whitmer in Michigan. Whoo boy, it's going to be a hoot.
First part is summarizing how they got their information. They're using "Confidential Human Sources"
This comes across to me as "There's barely any probable cause but still enough to do a criminal complaint against the involved parties."
The FBI is basically got involved because of a POSSIBLE conspiracy to commit a kidnapping which is their legal jurisdiction.
Here the FBI says that they had both a confidential human sources AND multiple undercover employees (since they use plural in both circumstances). So that means at least 4 people involved.
Now here's the crazy part. None of the CHSs knew each other were ratting on the group as a whole. So for all we know, there could be 10 people and 9 of them were CHSs to the FBI and that one dude got screwed.
But next paragraph tells us that there are 6 people charged. So that means at least 10 people were involved in this (6 + (2+ CHSs) + (2+ UCEs)) as pointed out in the previous paragraph.
Now here's where it gets hilarious. So you got two idiots, Croft and Fox, ranting or pretending to do the violent overthrow of the government on social media which I only assume is Facebook Groups.
Now the footnote about $8,600 is interesting because why was this amount given to this one particular CHS. Was he buying a bunch of shit off of Alibaba to pass himself off?
Oh come on, Fox was such a dumbass and was basically broadcasting "Oh boy wouldn't it be great to recruit more people for this dumb idea."
What it comes off is that this idiotic group is more of an anarchist/libertarian type group rather than right-wing type group.
And there's another $14,800 here paid by the FBI to do this. So it seems that their CHS-2 via the FBI was funding these "FTX" or field training exercises. $14,800 is a lot of fucking money.
Oh god, it seems that Fox is the one that has one too many loose screws in his head and the FBI helped accommodate all of this.
"200 men". You're more likely to win scratch off cards.
Is this real life? This has got to be a fucking joke.
I bet there's more that the FBI is omitting here.
This doesn't make sense. I thought Fox was the brains behind this? Who told Fox to leave if he wasn't willing to participate in attacks against the government? There's a huge missing detail here.
You dumbass, Franks...
And yet where is the ATF in this equation?
No comments...
So you're fine with shooting people's homes up but not the state capitol?
Are we being punked here? A realtor? They had no idea where the vacation home was?
What was the team going to be called? The DD Team for "Dumber than dogshit"? Fox seems like he was really gullible and watched way too many movies.
It sounds like everyone was in on a joke and it got way too far with Fox believing he had real participants.
OPSEC fail.. I'm at tweet #25, will add more to thread.
Man, if you know someone that is a Fox, run the fuck away because he will get you arrested.
He doesn't even know where she lives! And I'm sure the boat comment was in relations to the news about her husband's boat.
Harris, shut the fuck up. You're a dumbfuck. Do you really think the state police would just let you waltz up to her door armed?
Sounds like they've been watching reruns of The Italian Job.
I wonder if he's a frequent visitor of 4chan or similar groups.
I'm starting to think at this point that Fox may have been just full of shit the entire time and was just looking for attention/friends.
Ya the price sounds about right. A Team Wendy / ballistic USA-made helmet isn't cheap at all (about $1000-$1500) and NVG's are pretty pricy depending on who you buy it from.
Here's my question though. What was CHS-2 saying to stay involved? Was he helping egg Fox and the others on?
Okay CHS-2 was involved with the surveillance of the governor's home. But Jesus Christ, they sound like they went to the town, couldn't find it, and need to phone a friend to find the exact location. Good planning!
AYFKM? This is just coming off as fantasy larping at this point.
Oh god, this has got to be a bunch of Fallout fans. "chemistry set" Really?
God, as I mentioned before, if you ever meet a dude like Fox, run the fuck away.
With what? Fireworks from the "chemistry set"?
No, this is just a delusion of a kid that needs psychiatric help.
So here the FBI is helping Fox along with this whole bullshit to make sure they carry something out.
Raise money from what?
Does Fox even have any weapons other than a fucking taser? I've not seen any mention of anything Fox owned except this taser. It sounds like to me he was hanging out with people who did.
And this ends here. So basically the gist is this. If these dumbfucks hadn't done surveillance of the homes of Governor Whitmer, it was just a bunch of nonsensical shit talking among morons about how they didn't like Whitmer.
Here's the mugshot for Adam Fox.
Here is Caserta, an anarchist. These are all the mentions of Caserta in the affidavit.
Caserta was involved in the surveillance.
And Caserta admits he's a bitch.
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