FBI foiled a militia plot to kidnap the governor of Michigan and overthrow the state government. Strange this doesn't happen more often. Lots of people have the same beliefs as the militiamen, they just...don't do it? What explains this?
We all have beliefs that we don't act on, we just like having them. Is it just cowardice? Or does the fact that we don't act on them mean we don't *really* believe them?
Lots of Americans believe it's okay to overthrow the government if the government becomes tyrannical, and a lot of *those* people accuse the government of tyranny. Almost none of them tries to overthrow the government.
My favorite exploration of this phenomenon is this thread by @0x49fa98. Most of these "beliefs" are just leftover dead code from previous belief systems. Bad things happen when they randomly run. https://twitter.com/0x49fa98/status/1297969959231008769
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