dear husbands: this is rapey shit and you need to understand that a no is final and maybe also seek out some couples counselling to find out the underlying reason

cos being nagged for sex dries a pussy up like a fistful of godsdamned silica gel
like for real though, nothing says "absolutely do not let this man touch you" like the incessant, whining demands of someone who is clearly NOT INTERESTED in your wellbeing, or why you don't want to fuck, and basically just wants to use you as a sleeve.
that whole "haha, after you get married the sex stops happening" thing is a patriarchal created-reality that stems from your partner being so chronically irritated with you that it's not worth the hassle of getting undressed.

and then you make it worse by not reading the room.
unless your partner is traumatised by religion or asexual and not out to you, they are very likely still masturbating when they can get time away from you.

their libido is not the problem here, and centuries of patriarchal insistence that women have lower sex drives is FAAAAKE
women get horny af, and if they're not seeking your assistance with this it's because there is a wall between you that you have both been building.

maybe having the same attitude towards chores and dinner prep as you did when you were a child might send the wrong signal
also, women: either admit you're still with him cos his job pays for your little luxuries or just leave. tolerating your own sexual dissatisfaction while you mouth the "i love you"s you haven't actually meant for years is wasting everyone's time.

either fess up or fuck off
there is no soulmates, there's working on a relationship. you can be dweplt in love but if the willingness to work on your shit isn't there, separate.

you have nothing on which to base a relationship, love isn't enough. sucks and will tear you in half but you gotta go
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