GP Trump is a giant asshoe. Biden is mentally incompetent. They both are adulterers. Neither man is nice. We can spend days and weeks until the election picking nits and finding fault with each man's character.

The real question is what they've done and what they'll do.
GP Trump will likely: continue to be an asshoe; appoint more good judges; reduce regulations; lower taxes; ignore people with whom he disagrees, even experts; fight for religious rights; leave the LGBTQ folks alone; not fight about abortion; protect guns; ensmallen govt.
GP Biden will likely: sign the GND; increase regulation; limit healthcare choices; massively increase taxes; pack the courts; make PR and DC states; make religious objections to LGBTQ things illegal; increase govt massively; intrude in your daily lives; bail out blue states.
GP I left out the binary differences between the two on immigration, welfare, and tons of other things, but you get the drift.

I wouldn't want to hang out with either man. I'd much rather live in Trump's America than Biden's.

COVID, assholery, chaos, and all.
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