As I head back to Sac, some Utah conversations for the “voters can surprise you” file:

-A 23-year-old college student, registered GOP (to vote in primaries). He was in the debate hall, undecided but leaning Trump going in. Harris impressed him, he’s now leaning Biden.

-A 21-year-old college who is voting Green Party. She’s very liberal and can’t support Biden or Trump because of sexual assault allegations against them. She specifically mentioned Tara Reade (Biden has denied her allegations)

-A Lyft driver in his 30s (I’m guessing, didn’t get his age) who is also voting Green Party. He told me he’s very socially liberal and argued one good thing about Trump is he’s forced Dems to unify more on social issues (the point was a little hard to follow)

-Then there was the college student in the debate hall who asked me if editors assign reporters to cover candidates based on their political affiliations 🤯 It was a teaching moment.

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