[1/4] Now that Trump has called Kamala a "Communist" and "monster," it's worth recalling that Trump's mentor was Roy Cohn, the vile mob-connected lawyer who was Sen. McCarthy's right-hand man in terrorizing the country with fears of imaginary "Reds" in high gov positions.
[2/5] Cohn and McCarthy also went after LGBT folks and ruined hundreds of lives - despite the fact that both Cohn and FBI director J. Edgar Hoover were in the closet themselves. (Cohn eventually died of AIDS, denying it to the end.) From Cohn, Trump learned...
[3/5] ...two crucial lessons: 1) The power of outright lying, even if the evidence against you is in plain sight; deny deny deny, and accuse your opponents of what you yourself are doing so brazenly that non-sociopaths can't imagine anyone who would be so shameless.
[4/5] Lying so outrageously, even with mountains of American dead piling up outside the door, that it breaks the brains of normies, as Trump has broken a WH press corps hesitant to use words like "liar." 2) From Cohn, Trump also learned the power of *inventing an internal enemy.*
[5/5] Today's "Antifa" was yesterday's "list of 205 known Communists in the State Dept." (McCarthy was holding a laundry list.) It's sobering to consider that the crimes Trump is surely guilty of make the alleged espionage for which Cohn executed the Rosenbergs look quaint.
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