If you don't read much SFF, you may not be familiar with the term "eco-fascism," because no such government has yet existed. Fiction writers have speculated on the emergence of this kind of political system though, and we should know & be on guard against this kind of dystopia 1/
In an eco-fascist society, human rights are gutted on the altar of "ecological necessity." The rich & powerful may insist that genocide is necessary to reduce humanity's carbon footprint, without exploring options that would drastically reduce their own polluting lifestyles 2/
Eco-fascism is what you'll get when white supremacists (the GOP) finally admit to & decide to do something about climate change. Eco-fascism is what you create when your environmentalism doesn't center Indigenous and Black lives. 3/
Eco-fascism will put the blame & the brunt of "sacrifice" in the name of climate change on the most marginalized members of society, allowing the rich to buy-their-way out of carbon restrictions. This is why we must END fossil fuel use, not simply "tax" it. 4/
Ultimately, eco-fascism will fail, because fascism is too corrupt of a system to create the kind of moral accountability necessary to heal the planet. It's vital that climate activists be on guard against eco-fascist thinking and not give it any place in our movements. /end
1 more thing: I’ve see a number of publishing outlets for climate-focused fiction stipulate they want “no eco-fascist stories.” I’m sure it’s annoying to get a glut of bad “murder all the meat-eaters” fic, but don’t exclude an entire genre representing a credible global threat /
There are far more ways for humanity to respond to climate change wrong than right. The job of spec fic writers is to take us down these dead-end roads and show us the horrors at their logical conclusion. We need cyberpunk to show us happy endings. But we need the dystopias too.
*solarpunk not cyberpunk is the genre that deal with eco-utopias
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