Jesus Christ, I'm about to make a thread about DRW and EFT.

This is really happening, isn't it?

I can feel it....

Some people are wondering what's going on between DRW (David) and EFT (Energy Fintwit).

I'm going to give a little bit of backstory as well as my opinion on why I think this is all stupid AF.
DRW first came on to EFT sometime way back in the day... like 9 months ago.

I thought EFT would get along with David, because he has been saying the same exact shit as EFT over the last two years regarding shale companies.

But for some reason, there was a rift.
Anonymous accounts, particularly ones like Django, kept talking shit to David repeatedly. Time after time.

And it was very aggressive.
David publishes that he's putting $1mm into $CDEV and walked through his thinking of using SMOG as an analysis to support that investment.

People ripped on him for using SMOG and there was a great debate over this.
My personal opinion: whether or not you agreed with the method he used to analyze, he walked people through his thinking, publicly put $1mm bet on that, and let it all out there.

I don't see many other people doing that. Takes balls.
One night, in a heated exchange with anons, DRW told the anons that he was going to lay on his bed of money.

EFT took this and ran with it.

My opinion: I think this is weird To constantly attack someone from anon profiles and then cry when they say something back.
I fully support anon accounts as long as trolling isn't their M.O.

I 100% understand why a lot of people in O&G can't use their real persona.

But those same people don't know what it's like to be on the other side having a hive mind of anons attacking you.
It's definitely alright to disagree with DRW.

He's a great friend of mine and I don't agree with him on stuff.

I think it's weird AF that he simps for Vicki Hollub and Oxy.
I wouldn't walk around and post pics wearing panties on my face on LinkedIn.

Guess what, I'll roast him for those things and we're still friends.
But the dynamic is also different because David knows who I am, I'm a real person. It feels completely different when it's coming from a bunch of anons when you don't know who they are.
Another comment he gets is that making his $30mm was luck.

This convo goes outside of DRW. Almost every entrepreneur will tell you they're lucky, including DRW.

Mark Cuban was lucky af and he'll tell you that.

I've definitely been lucky.
It goes back to the old saying " Luck is when preparation meets opportunity."

You still have to do all the work to put yourself in the position to have those collisions with luck.
I think DRW needs to tone it down a bit, especially after some drinks lol, but I also understand his frustration.

I just find it really fascinating because everyone would be surprised with how much you have in common with him regarding the industry.
Guarantee if you met him for a drink, you would become friends. (Which he has offered this to many people)

Point is: I know the cool thing is to get together and shitpost, but you're going after the wrong person here.

Now, feel free to talk shit to me in response.
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