So, for my unbiased #VPDebate post-mortem analysis:

Kamala Harris was outmatched. She displayed the same tendency that stopped Elizabeth Warren in her tracks, an inability to handle or respond to criticism.

We see that the nature of her selection was purely AA Based.
Biden has an issue where he can not deal with criticism and will get ornery, babble, and go into "Old Man Biden" mode.

Kamala is the same, but she simply becomes glaring, incisive, and often malicious. I believe her focus groups told her not to and so she has to laugh instead.
We could obviously see that Kamala was trying to score headlines and bleed the Trump campaign dry. She knew most of her points were false and erroneous which is why she NEVER WENT INTO DETAIL about whatever she said.

It was always queuing up a vague accusation w/ platitudes.
Pence on the other hand was very decisive and prepared. He was forceful but not rude.

He answered many of the questions Trump supporters had, which was "Can Pence be assertive?"

Yes.... Yes he can & did.

Pence is the quintessential VP.
A VP provides a good foil and balance to the weaknesses of your candidate.

Trump is bombastic, sporadic, maverick, & high energy, and all over the place sometimes.... But he is a big picture guy.

Pence is a very focused, dialed in, connected, focused & detail oriented guy.
Ideally, in the #VPDebate , your goal is to simply flesh out the ideas that the presidents outlined within their debate and simply avoid tanking their campaign.

Harris and Pence both succeeded, but as I said before, Pence went above and beyond to pick up where Trump failed.
Pence countered, rebutted, outlined several key flaws and issues that Biden and Harris often avoid.

He didn't get dragged off the reservation or let the attack of Harris shift his goals and kept on with chiseling at the lies Harris offered up w/ DETAILS & SPECIFICS.
Using details is a KEY way to strengthen the believability of your claim. Anyone can get on a stage and offer up vague talking points, but that's what we know politicians to do and they're often only appealing to the base.

Details force people to think. They can't be countered.
So if one candidate offers platitudes and the other begins to go into details on why those platitudes are wrong, at worst, your opposition is forced to sidestep if they're being dishonest. Which Harris continually did.

She did not deny or go at Pence's rebuts with details...
While Harris appealed to the Base & maintained the status quo, Pence expanded the conservative tent to that of the moderates.

Anyone who is amicable to #BidenHarris2020 won't question Harris' talking points and will simply avoid Pence's details.

Independents won't....
The #TrumpPence2020 ticket looks stronger as the conversation post-debate is not about anything that was said in the debate.

Its about #Flygate. Only twitter partisans will care about flygate.

But people will research the debates on their own due to a lack of coverage.
When they research , they won't get media framing because the media will have to omit Pence's responses so they'll likely see the entirety of responses.

With Democrats framing of Trump, Harris had HUGE expectations to be mature. She was in a losing spot from the beginning.

Harris was subpar & the media will have to spin her performance, whereas Pence's performance will stand on its own WHICH IS A HUGE STRENGTH.

Especially given the current trust in the media.
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