Pence said many things last night that bothered me, but one line in particular stuck in my head this morning. He said, President Trump and I have the same plan as Joe Biden - we’re talking about testing, creating new PPE, and developing a vaccine.

But, here’s the truth. 1/
Public health is about doing the right things at the right time. You don’t get credit for a testing strategy if millions couldn’t get tested when they needed it. You don’t get credit for creating PPE in Oct if health workers were dying because they lacked N95s in April. 2/
Trump & Pence have consistently done the wrong thing at the wrong time. They didn’t embrace masks early enough (and still haven’t fully). They didn’t use the DPA to surge PPE production before the 1st wave. And they pushed states to reopen too soon, resulting in more deaths. 4/
9 months into this crisis, Trump & Pence are still just talking about the pieces of a plan.

What Americans need now are leaders who can mount a cohesive response at the right time.

@JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris are those leaders. This is their time. #VoteTrumpOut. 8/8
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